The VH1 reality show "Love & Hip Hop," famously known for airing vicious cat fights, back-biting and love quarrels, delivered all the juice viewers love and more in the second episode of season 3.

Each week fans of "Love & Hip Hop" delve deeper into the lives of the controversial cast. Last week's season premiere introduced a bevy of tempestuous relationships Joe Budden has with women - mainly friend, Raqi Thunder and former girlfriend of five years Tahiry. With no tension spared between the two ladies, it's apparent Thunder and Tahiry still have opposition they need to hash-out.

Budden moved on and is in a new relationship with model Kaylin Garcia. Friendly talks at Budden's birthday pool party quickly turned to blows when Tahiry threw a drink at Thunder, resulting in the former radio personality being tossed out of the event.

In episode 3, Thunder showed up at Budden's concert rehearsal to ask why he chose to kick her out of the party. Budden told Thunder that he was just protecting her "because a fight with Tahiry would have sent her to the hospital." The two couldn't come to an understanding and Thunder stormed out of the room.

Budden felt bad about the whole ordeal and believed that the fight escalated because he was high. The rapper was clean for the last 14 years but recently relapsed, and he claimed his old demons resurfaced due to the lack of support and being on the road. He confided in his mother about his addiction to pills and other drugs.

Viewers were then introduced to Jen the Pen, the girlfriend of successful ghostwriter Consequence. The couples lives in Staten Island and have a 1-year-old son. Jen is out of work and expects "Cons" to foot the bill for all the expenses, including the lavish birthday bash she is planning for their son. Cons disagreed and told Jen that she should pay for half of everything by "getting a job like most normal mothers."

Rich Dollaz and Erica Mena are still trying to find common ground within their strained business and personal relationships. Mena, the feisty model and wanna-be-singer, told her manager-boyfriend that she wants to collaborate with a new talent, Lore'l. Dollaz told her "no" and said he should be in charge of all decisions involving her career.

The couple went out to a club and got into a huge argument because Mena embarrassingly suggested "it's time to go." Lore'l interfered and mentioned a fight Mena had with her child's father. After threatening to "kick Lore'l in the neck," Mena removed herself from the shouting match and rode away in a waiting car.

Love and hip hop