As we found out earlier this year, Tom Holland renewed his contract with Marvel and, is  going to stick around for a little while after this Spider-Man film, but fans are calling for another Spider-Man. Andrew Garfrield's Spider-Man to be exact. After the events of No Way Home people took to twitter to say. 

Garfield made his first on-screen appearance as Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012, and his quirky, quippy spin on the ordinarily awkward character quickly stole the hearts of fans, and created some new ones in the process.

(Apropos of nothing: Once in her eighth grade history class, my younger sister had a brilliant moment of word association when discussing the US Presidents, and loudly declared, "I LOVE James Garfield!" instead of saying Andrew. The result was her teacher taping a picture of James Garfield to the blackboard with hearts drawn all over it, just for her.)

The love for Garfield's Spidey seems to have only grown stronger in the years since his absence, and now that fans are suggesting it, it seems the people in charge over at the MCU think his return would be a pretty good idea.

Nobody has said anything officially, but rumors have been circulating online that Garfield is being considered for multiple projects in the future MCU - and given how true some of those older rumors turned out to be, we have reason to believe there's reason to put stock into these whispers.

Of course, only time will tell, but it would be really cool to see more of Andrew Garfield in the MCU - perhaps his Peter Parker will have more of the same vibes as Peter B. Parker in Into The Spider-Verse...and hey, now that the multiverse has been established, there's no limit to how many other crossovers we could explore.