Twilight may have come out in 2008, but being a teen film, it'll never truly die. The things you love as a teenager stick with you, holding a very special place in your heart - and when someone you loved when you were a teenager, like Robert Pattinson, comes into the mainstream again, it's like an injection of vampire venom straight to the heart - enough to bring you back to life. (Except, you know, without the excruciating pain.)

People who loved Twilight as teens are out in full force now that The Batman has hit theaters. Their Edward Cullen is back and better than ever, wearing black eyeliner and being largely nonverbal as he works through some deep-seated emotional trauma - just like old times.

Of course, the memes are abundant.

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Unfortunately, what's also abundant is hate - because, as we all know by now, there are certain boys in certain superhero fandoms that just can't seemt to play nice with others, and these Batman fans can't seem to stand that there are people out there who like both Batman and Twilight.

Hard to believe that kids who were into a broody, moody vampire when they were kids would gravitate towards a hero like Batman now. Go figure.

Of course, fellow Twilight fangirls, we have the true power, because we know The Batman is for everyone - because it's so incredibly good, and because the parallels between Edward Cullen and Bruce Wayne meant we knew from the beginning (back when these guys were still complaining about him being cast) that The Batman was going to be amazing.

And it is. Go see it in theaters now and prove a sexist nerd boy wrong.