Could the 2024 election be cosmically fated? A group of astrologers on Reddit suggest it may be, at least when it comes to the star sign of our next president.

In a recent Reddit post about the 2024 GOP and Democratic tickets, astrologers pointed out that both former President Trump (Gemini) and Vice President Kamala Harris (Libra) are air signs. And Vice Presidential candidates JD Vance (Leo) and Tim Walz (Aries) are both fire signs.

That means whoever wins in 2024, we'll have an air sign president and a fire sign vice president.

Astrologers say it's true of the candidates' moon signs as well. Harris (Aries moon) and Trump (Sagittarius moon) are both fire moons, while Walz (Aquarius moon) and Vance (Libra moon) are both air moons.

User @elt0p0 said: "I wonder how often this particular combo has manifested in the history of American elections. How does Libra/Aries compare to Gemini/Leo?"

"I'm not sure about how they've manifested in past American elections, but I love the idea of a Libra/Aries axis ticket running," another user, @moonstonemerman wrote. "Though opposite from each other in the ecliptic, the Libra and Aries archetypes can benefit by integrating from each other. Having two leaders that are different but could benefit from each other feels powerful."

Reddit, Donald trump, Kamala Harris