VH1's "Basketball Wives Reunion Special" aired last night an despite all the drama last season, the show kicked off with host John Salley bringing the girls together to talk about the season. The show started with Shaunie O' Neal talking about the ups and downs of the season: "I feel that all of these ladies take responsibility for what their actions are."

The ladies watched clips of their best and worst moments, including the infamous fight between Tami and Kesha, which led to fans complaining of Tami's bullying behavior. Tami issued an apology to Kesha on air, saying she should have handled the situation better even though she is not sorry for what she said.

Evelyn and Kenya's fight was shown to the girls, including the scene where Evelyn threw a whine bottle at Kenya. She later admitted that it was one of her lowest moments and that she wishes she could take that moment back. She said she was embarrassed to show that behavior to her step-daughters and went on to apologize to Kenya.

Next, Jennifer Williams finally made an entrance on the show after being backstage. Host John Salley asked her about her friendship with Evelyn Lozada, which fell apart. Jennifer apologized to Evelyn and anyone else she may have offended through her blogs and interviews.

Jennifer and Evelyn were asked to take a polygraph test at the end of the episode. Next week's part 2 of the Basketball Wives reunion special will reveal the results! Be sure to tune in to VH1 next Monday at 8 p.m. ET.

Basketball wives