A new extended preview for the next episode of Survivor: Cagayan has been released, and it seems like it will be Kass McQuillen vs. Tony Vlachos as the game nears its end.

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The preview was featured at the end of Survivor Live, the Survivor After Show on CBS.com, and it teases some big conflict ahead between Kass and Tony.

"Kass is convinced that she heard Tony talking about her," says Tasha Fox in a confessional. "If the two of them are at each other's throats then it takes the target off of me."

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Kass and Tony are then shown arguing, with Tony saying that Kass seems more like a four-year-old than a 40-year-old. Kass argues that she's the one who's composed while Tony is the one throwing a tantrum.

"I just think it's funny you're totally losing your mind and self-destructing out here," Kass taunts. Tony later says, "What, are you gonna vote me out?"

Kass tells Tony that she will indeed write his name down at Tribal Council, but Tony says that she'll be the one that goes home instead. When she asks if it's because he's running the show, Tony finally spills the beans.

"No, because I've got a special Idol, that's why," he reveals.

This causes everyone to react, as he has not told anyone about his special Idol, which allows him to play it after the votes have been read at Tribal Council.

It is not known if Tony will reveal the details of what makes his Idol special, but if Kass does not believe him, she could actually be the one voted out if he plays his Idol.

However, with Cagayan's post-merge being so unpredictable, it could be anyone going home in the next episode. After all, the episode is titled Havoc to Wreak.

Survivor: Cagayan airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

Watch the extended preview here (skip to 28:00):

Survivor, CBS, Television