Residing in Georgia with her parents and three teenage sisters, 6 year-old Alana Thompson will premiere her brand new reality spinoff show on TLC titled "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." Nicknamed Honey Boo Boo, the little star in the making had previously graced television viewers with her strong diva presence in "Toddlers & Tiaras."

The program revolves around the family and life of the kiddie beauty pageant regular. While most girls her age are playing with dolls and toys, Boo Boo instead prances around on stages and competes in high maintenance competitions.

The cameras follow around the Thompson clan living an above average life in the small town of McIntyre. The young model's father who they call "Sugar Bear," works as a chalk minor, while "Mama June" is seemingly just a bargain hunter when she's not playing stage mom. She attends auctions to purchase clothing and food store items such as groceries.

Mama June explained the rationale to the cameras of the show as to why she relies on auctions, according to Daily Mail.

"Pageants are very, very expensive. It is not a cheap sport by any means. Sometimes he has what I'm looking for, sometimes he don't," she stated.

"Here Comes Boo Boo" premieres Thursday, August 9th on TLC at 10 PM EST.

Celebrities, Television