Blue and Black Dress News: Huge Dress Debate Breaks Social Media Records After 4 Million Shares On Twitter [VIDEO]
The debate over the color of a dress has taken over the entertainment and become one of the most talked about online trending topics.
On Thursday, the great dress debate began breaking social media records after the image of this dress took of the Internet. While some seem to believe that the dress appears to be blue and black, others think that the dress is actually white and gold.
On Friday, ABC News reported that a Scottish singer shared an image of the dress on her Tumblr page and when viewers couldn't decide what color the dress actually was, it turned into a huge media frenzy.
According to ABC, the dress is in fact black and blue. The women who wore the dress to a wedding sent a picture as proof, but there is a scientific explanation as to why people have been seeing various colors.
Depending on the lighting, the dress could appear to be white and gold or black and blue. If the image is facing toward the light it will appear to be one color but seconds later look like a completely different hue.
The story surround this dress has become a huge controversy, and even some celebrities have been Twitter their thoughts about the image.
What do the readers think about the debate? Is the dress black and blue or does it appear to be white and gold?