The biggest threat in the Big Brother 17 house may finally be going up on the block this week.

'Big Brother 17' Houseguests Try To Figure Out Who Voted For James

Head of Household: Shelli Poole

Nominees: Jason Roy and John McGuire

Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Jackie Ibarra, James Huling, Liz/Julia Nolan, Meg Maley, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso

Vanessa's Paranoia Goes Into Overdrive on the 'Big Brother' Live Feeds

It is becoming more and more of a possibility that Audrey will be nominated and evicted. Friday on the live feeds was a firestorm of paranoia, lying and stirring of the pot. Liz nominated Jackie and James for eviction while Shelli nominated Jason and John.

Earlier, Audrey told Shelli that Jason was coming after her (Shelli) and Clay. After the nominations, Shelli told Jason that Audrey was talking crap about him, with Jason bitterly saying that he shouldn't have thought she was getting better.

Shelli and Audrey later had a conversation where Audrey completely backtracked and said the info about Jason targeting Shelli and Clay didn't come from Jason himself. Shelli confronted Audrey, saying this was the whole reason she nominated him and that she wasn't going to listen to any of her lies anymore.

The Battle of the Block competition was held, and Jackie and James wound up winning, dethroning Liz as HOH. This means Shelli is the official HOH with Jason and John as nominees.

Throughout Friday night, Shelli, Clay and Vanessa spoke about Audrey's lies and considered the possibility of backdooring her. Clay is really into the idea of nominating and evicting her, but Shelli is wishy washy on the prospect.

Vanessa also brought up not trusting Austin, thinking he might be secretly working with Audrey, in addition to being a little too girl crazy with Liz/Julia. Shelli is considering it.

The Power of Veto competition will likely be held Saturday, and the results of that will likely determine who will be evicted on Thursday. At the moment, Audrey, Jason and possibly Austin are the biggest possibilities.

Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS