"Pacific Rim" Trailer Released for Guillermo del Toro's Latest Film [WATCH HERE]
The official trailer for "Pacific Rim" has arrived.
The new trailer directed by Guillermo del Toro has gone viral since its debut this week.
Fans have been wading through supposed leaked information and mysterious marketing campaigns for Pacific Rim, but the latest trailer gives the best insights into the highly anticipated action film.
"We always thought alien life would come from the stars," says a gruff voice in the trailers opening, "but it came from deep beneath the sea."
The film depicts Earth's fight against an alien threat as humans defend the planet using giant robots.
The epic trailer has all the features of a big budget summer block buster including mysterious "Cloverfield" type monsters and high-tech human controlled robots.
One of the big surprises was the voice of Ellen McLain of the the video game Portal who voiced the game's villain: the computer GLaDOS.
The film stars "Prometheus" star Idris Elba along with "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" actor Charlie Day.
One of the new marketing tools for the film is the Pan Pacific Defense Corps web site, which previewed some of the designs for the giant robots called Jaegers. There are also videos which feature breaking news of the monster Kaiju attacks.
With over half a year till the film's release it is likely that fans will see more viral advertisements coming out of the "Pacific Rim" marketing team.
The film is sure to be one of the hits of the approaching summer movie season when Guillermo del Toro's "Pacific Rim" opens in theaters July 11, 2013.
Del Toro's latest work comes after he decided not to direct "The Hobbit." The film was then handed over to "Lord of the Rings" director Peter Jackson. The highly anticipated "The Hobbit" hits theaters on Friday.