One of Angelina Jolie's friends is praising the actress for her busy life.

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On Monday, Mirror posted the details from Golden Globe winner Jacqueline Bissett who mentioned that she can't believe Jolie is able to juggle multiple tasks at work and at home.

"Six children, a husband, a career and directing, I don't know how she does it," Bissett said. "I don't know how any human being can do that. What I admire is that she carries a kind of quality of peace that just emanates from her."

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Bissett said she is Jolie's godparent since she was close to the actress's mother before she passed away in 2007. But she doesn't see her goddaughter that often because she doesn't want to intrude.

"Unfortunately I haven't developed a close relationship with Angelina, I see her rarely, but I'm very admiring of her," the 71-year-old said. "What I find difficult is she's become so famous. So many people are pulling on her time, I'm a little bit shy and I don't want to be someone who tries to take advantage of her."

Even though she doesn't get to spend a lot of time with her, Bissett made it clear that she's a big fan of hers.

"Occasionally people say to me, 'Oh, you know Angelina Jolie,' and I say, 'No, she needs her space and she needs to do her number,' but she's pretty remarkable," Bissett said.

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