Golden Globes rarely Predict Oscar Winners but this Year May be It
One of the things people are wondering the most is whether the Golden Globes Awards can predict the winners for the Academy Awards.
Film experts noticed that in the last 20 years, Golden Globes winners for best picture have coincided with Academy Award winners about 50 percent of the time.And they think it really depends on each year.
For example, "Forrest Gump," won the Golden Globes in 2005 and also won Best Picture at the Oscars.
The "English Patient" is another example. It won Best Picture at both in 1996. But exceptions include the ceremonies in 2004 when the Globes awarded "The Aviator" -on its drama category- and the Oscars "Million Dollar Baby."
This year at the Golden Globes the drama "The Descendants," and the comedy "The Artist" were winners. The latter also was winner at the Critic's Choice Awards this year.
So is this the year for "The Artist"? According to experts, yes.
"You know it's The Artist's year, and The Descendants is a very respectable winner likely to get steamrolled by a bunch of charming French people on Oscar night. When The Artist won Best Score at the very beginning of the night, it was clear nothing is going to be able to stop it," a film writer for Cinema Blend noted.
The Academy Awards Ceremony will be held on February 26th.