Ciara Pregnancy Rumors: Singer Admits To Having A Different Kind Of ‘Bump’ [VIDEO]
It looks like Ciara can't enjoy a big, hearty meal without someone spreading pregnancy rumors about her all over the internet. Even though the chart topper has vowed to abstain from sex with her NFL quarterback boyfriend, Russell Wilson, the gossip blogs have been spreading rumors all over the place that she might be pregnant with his child.
Ciara apparently called into the "Russ Parr Morning Show" on Tuesday to set the record straight about the baby bump rumors. The singer admits that while she has been sporting what looks like a bump in the past few weeks, it's not what everyone thinks.
She said, "You know, it's so funny. I might have had a cheeseburger a little too close to showtime. [My stomach] was not that big, they exaggerated that ... I'm not carrying anything in my belly but great food."
Ciara also said that her relationship with Wilson is so far doing great, and that they of course don't plan on having any children until they tie the knot, whenever that will be.
She said, "I feel very confident in the love that we have for each other, and only God knows where it's going to go."
Ciara added, "God knows everything that's to come in the future, and I think it's best to let him keep taking control of things. Life is sweet, and I'm very thankful for all the great things happening in my life. I'm very happy."