The cast of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood were beefing on and off camera during the entire season and some of them threw much more than shade when they all came together for the reunion of the VH1 series this week.

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Surprisingly enough, it didn’t involve anyone who was actually beefing this season. It was between Hazel E and Ray J (remember when she said they had a past together last season?)

Well the drama started toward the end of the taping when host Nina Parker asked Hazel about recent statements she made that she quit the series, insiders told Bossip. While stars like Miles Brock, Milan Christopher, and former Day 26 star Willie thanked Hazel for putting them on the show, Hazel said she would only return if she could also be a producer.

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Ray J must have felt some type of way about it because that’s when he popped off and told Hazel that it was actually show creator Mona Scott Young who was going to fire Hazel E regardless.

Teairra Mari, who used to date Ray J and had her own beef with him this season, jumped to Hazel’s defense, boasting Ray J claiming that he was jealous. She also credited herself and Hazel for being the ones to bring the Love & Hip Hop franchise to Hollywood to begin with.

Hazel has said in the past that many of her co-stars should thank her for their positions on the show.

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Viewers can still see the drama play out on this season Mondays at 8/7c on VH1.

Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, Reality TV, Vh1