Golden Globe winner Jessica Chastain is dating "Thor" British actor Tom Hiddleston, Glamour magazine confirmed.

A friend said Hiddleston is "taken with Jess and it's serious," adding that Chastain visited Britain before Christmas to stay with him and meet his family for the first time.

The "Zero Dark Thirty" actress previously stated that she has a "no actor" policy when it comes to dating, the publication noted. She said about dating famous men, "In this business it's very tough to maintain a relationship because we're like gypsies - always on the move.

"And the more you share your relationship with the world the less special it becomes. So I always try to keep my dating life quiet."

Hiddleston was born in Westminster, London, and had starring roles in the films "War Horse," "Midnight in Paris" and "The Avengers." He has three films scheduled for a 2013 release currently in post-production, according to IMDb, one being a sequel to "Thor" called "The Dark World."

On Sunday night, Chastain won the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama for her role as a CIA agent named Maya in the tale of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, directed by Kathryn Bigelow. In her acceptance speech she recalled her difficult start in the film industry, being "on the sidelines for years," and the people who helped her get through it. She also thanked her family and singled out Bigelow for doing more for women today in cinema than she realizes.

"You've said that filmmaking for you is not about breaking gender roles, but when you make a film that allows your character to disobey the conventions of Hollywood, you've done more for women in cinema than you take credit for," she said from the stage to Bigelow.

Jessica Chastain, Golden globes, Thor