Talking Tom is back on YouTube with more hysteria coming up.

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In a new trailer for the animated YouTube series Talking Tom and Friends, a number of wild moments take place with these lively animals. This includes talking to an audience on stage, being tossed against vending machines and playing basketball on the moon.

In fact, it seems the gang will be spending more time outside as they watch the moon rise in faster motion and they just stare in awe.

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There might also be a little bickering between animals and humans when Angela the cat is trying to perform on stage when human women are walking with their babies and one of them tells the cat to keep it down. But with this being Talking Tom, it's doubtful they will do what people tell them to do.

The group of pets are actually going to give more vibes that show they are just like anyone else as they wear clothes and lounge around the house while pulling funny little stunts on each other.

By the end of the trailer, Angela gives positive advice that are clearly not just meant for humans: "Live your dreams"- a quote that can be meant for animals as well.

See the trailer below.

Voice actors on the show include Colin Hanks, Tom Kenny and Lisa Schwartz.

New episodes of Talking Tom and Friends air every Thursday on YouTube.
