Redheaded and raunchy, Kathy Griffin stopped by David Letterman Thursday night and ended up stripping for him! The comedian was there discussing her annual co-hosting job with Anderson Cooper for CNN's New Year's Eve Ball Drop.

"Every year I try to up the ante a little bit. I've done it for five years now and I've been fired four years in a row…One year I said the f-word so I had to give the money back," Griffin told Letterman. "I didn't want to get fired. So this year I thought, 'What can I do to not get canned?' I thought it would be appropriate in Times Square to create a moment, so I took my clothes off. I didn't tell anyone, I didn't tell Anderson."

That's when Griffin attempted to unzip her dress live on the air. Letterman assisted her, although he seemed overwhelmed by her antics, "Wow, oh man. By the way, you don't have to give the money back tonight. You're fine."

When she finally removed the top half of her dress, Letterman gazed admirably at her exposed black bra!

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Kathy Griffin