Action and Julia Roberts aren't exactly two words you stitch together. However, the actress who constantly reinvents herself plays a gun-wielding FBI investigator who discovers her daughter is murdered.

It's been a while since we last saw the Hollywood goddess in action. By the looks of it, her movie promises grit, wit and drama.

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In an interview with In Style, Julia Roberts shared that she was pushed past her comfort zone. "I had to use a gun a few times and I didn't like it," she said. "I do not like guns. I realized when I have a gun in my hand I am really unhappy."

Roberts said she has learned that even if they are fake, the act of even holding one can take its toll. "It's funny because the one time I felt like I didn't have an inner tough girl was when I was in full uniform and had a gun. I don't think I could ever do a Western film. It would be a disaster."

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Check out the trailer of Secrets in Their Eyes below:

Julia Roberts