Fans can expect some exciting times for Mary on Reign as she makes her way to a whole new era.

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On Friday, The Reel Spin released an interview with Adelaide Kane (Mary) who mentioned that her character will need to adjust to life in Scotland now that her power in France is gone.

"I think she's going to stick around and see if she can help Catherine out, the regency is in question at the moment," Kane said. "These are politically volatile times...a lot of shifting alliances and shifting power in France right now, and I think Catherine could really use Mary's support as another queen and as another female ruler in such an incredibly misogynistic patriarchal time when people are trying to cut Queen Catherine down."

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But of course, Catherine isn't exactly the type that will go down without a fight, something Kane is clearly aware of. But as Mary enters the Scottish kingdom, the actress is stoked for what kind of life that will lead into.

"It's going to be a whole new world, it's gonna be new people and cast," Kane revealed. "We're going to keep the court in England, and we're going to keep the court in France as well. It's going to end up being a three pronged show...bigger and badder than ever."

Reign returns on Friday, January 8 on The CW.

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