After Eli's (Alan Cumming) big confession to Alicia on The Good Wife, in a recent interview co-creator Robert King revealed that it "reopens a wound" for Alicia.

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Speaking to TVLine King also answered a question that's on everybody's mind: Will Josh Charles return as Will in the form of flashbacks?

Unfortunately, King said that wouldn't be happening. But Alicia is going to be quite distraught about the revelation Eli made to her about the voicemail from Will he deleted.

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"It reopens a wound," he said. "The death of a loved one never really goes away. We all have a "sliding doors" fantasy of life. If we could just go back and choose the left path instead of the right, everything would be different: Will would be alive, Alicia would be living a happy and passionate life with him, and everything would be great. The regrets are probably magical and fantastical, but that doesn't make them any less painful."

King also spoke about how they always intended to have Alicia find out the truth.

"We knew it would always come very late, and it would require a vulnerable Eli and an Alicia who felt she had moved on from Will's death," he said. "But it was only at the beginning of this season that we actually placed the specific episode."

The midseason finale, titled 'KSR,' aired on December 13.

Watch the preview:

The good wife, CBS, Television