You can make this very easy and fun recipe that has very simple steps. You can share this with your friends and family. I have listed all the ingredients for you below.

You will need lemons, limes, 4 gelatin leaves, 400ml of tonic water, 100ml gin and 2 tbsp of sugar.

The first thing you have to do is to cut the lemons and limes in half and hollow them out then leave aside. Second is to soften the gelatin leaves in tepid water for 5-10 mins, then remove and wring out. Next, boil the gelatin in 100ml of the tonic water until dissolved, then add sugar. Remove from heat.

Add the remainder of the cold tonic water and add the gin. Put some lemon and lime zest into the mixture and pour it into the hollowed out lemon and lime halves.

Give it 3-4 hours in the fridge until their all set. After, flip the lemons and limes over so that the rind is facing skyward, then cut in half.

Yes, you can drink gin straight out from the bottle but this idea is using way more fun and you guys need to do this! You can also use any ingredients depending on your liking. You can make these with vodka or tequila. Whatever it is I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Tasty Food