"I hope I can figure out something else to say to Glenn Close other than 'Holy s--- you're Glenn Close,' " McCarthy told People Magazine after getting her Oscar news Tuesday morning. She's nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the hit comedy "Bridesmaids."

The 41-year-old easily star stuck actress won an Emmy earlier this year for "Mike and Molly," and got so flustered when she was introduced to Close, a Best Actress nominee.

"I just think she makes beautiful, smart, perfect decisions in her characters and roles she plays. She looms very large to me."

"If I get to re-meet her," said McCarthy, "I hope I say something that's not as jackass-y."

The "Bridesmaids" star is also thrilled for costar and writer Kristin Wigg, up for Best Original Screenplay along with galpal Octavia Spencer.

"Kristen and [Bridesmaids co-writer] Annie [Mumolo] being nominated to me is such a big deal because ... I know people talk about how much improv we did on Bridesmaids ... [but] the bottom line is Kristin and Annie wrote an amazing script. It was the funniest thing I've ever read on paper."

"We've all been [friends] for 13 [or] 14 years," she said. "These are people at my wedding. These are my really close, dear friends. ... We are all having this otherworldly year together."

Melissa McCarthy