Discovery Channel premiered Men Women Wild last month, which follows couples as they attempt to survive with each other and just the items they can fit in a single bag each as well as the clothing on their backs in the wild for three weeks.

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It is the ultimate test of their survival and relationship skills as they try to return to civilization.

The first five episodes have aired since Nov. 11, with the sixth and final part airing tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 23.

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Enstars was given an exclusive sneak peek at Justin and Jenny Cook as they conclude their survivalist journey in Norway.

In the clip, the married couple is set up in its latest camp, which seems to be working out pretty well, but with an episode title of "Til Death," surely something will go wrong.

The couple still seems to be going strong in their relationship despite the harsh elements they have dealt with.

"I am getting really excited that we are almost to the end," Jenny exclaimed to the camera in the sneak peek before a clip of her and Justin talking in their tent is shown.

"Considering all of these conditions, we've done great," Justin tells his wife.

"We really have," Jenny agrees.

Then Justin talks about the rough conditions they've endured with being set up so close to the ocean.

"Being so close to the ocean, the weather is not great, but this is our best base camp yet," he shares.

He and Jenny continue to talk about their survival thus far: they're "hungry, but not starving" for one and they're "not comfortable, but definitely making it."

Justin then shows off "toasting my fish skin" as his and Jenny's meal.

"That fish; we've been rationing it out," he explains, adding, "We've got four fish left and that's going to carry us through to the end of this."

Jenny is shown once more on her own in the clip, revealing, "It's awesome knowing that we have made it this far! We're in the homestretch. So our plan right now for the next couple of days is to stay inside the shelter and stay dry and stay warm."

Will they make it to the very end? Be sure to watch to find out!

Men Women Wild airs its season finale Wednesday, Dec. 23 at 10 p.m. ET on Discovery Channel.

Discovery channel, Television