Cineplex created a heartwarming animated short ad about the magic of storytelling entitled, "Lily & the Snowman." The two-minute advertisement from Cineplex will make you cry this holiday season in a good way.

In the video, it shows that every winter, a young Lily builds a magic snowman who shows her wonderful stories. Every winter, a magical snowman puts on a show for a little girl. But over time, life pulls them apart. Will she remember to take the time for what she loved?

It's a touching piece about growing up and remembering the things in life that matter, and it is simply beautiful. This holiday season, make time for your loved ones. Make sure to hug them and kiss, show them the real meaning of Christmas.

It is a sweet story and so heart warming it reminds us that we need to spend time with our parents and tell them how we deeply love them. The short film goes straight to the heart. Beautiful and inspiring!