New Year’s Resolutions 2015: Change Environment, Eliminate Stress Eating & More [PHOTOS]
We're wired to start wishing we could change our ways every new year. From our bad habits to diet plans, we tell ourselves we have yet another shot of improving ourselves. However, most of us fail in upholding our resolutions-and it's not even halfway through January.
If you really want to become the healthiest version of yourself next year, then live and breathe these tips.
Stop it with the unrealistic expectations
A photo posted by @the_kgirls_ganni on Dec 29, 2015 at 10:59pm PST
Fact: The reasonable and safe weight loss rate is anywhere between 0.5 - 1 kilogram each week. This means your goals should be realistic enough so you won't feel disappointed and just give up.
Another is to realize that it's natural to slip once in a while. You've gotten so used to skipping breakfast and binging during the wee hours of the morning. Each time you fall back to your old ways, acknowledge it and pick yourself up.
Change your environment
A photo posted by CareemPak (@careempak) on Dec 29, 2015 at 10:16pm PST
No matter how much we tell ourselves that we're going to get that six pack, it's useless if we still stuff our refrigerators with garbage carbs. It's all about changing your environment. Once you've done this, it's going to be much easier to live up to your resolution.
Start by changing the contents of your refrigerator, pantry and grocery list. If you pass by your favorite burger joint on your way to work, try and find a different route so you can forget all about that greasy cheese burger packed with well over 300 calories.
Break it up
A photo posted by Harold Ma (@harold_is_king) on Dec 29, 2015 at 10:25pm PST
Often, we make the mistake of creating resolutions that take too much out of us. We tell ourselves we're "going to the gym three times this week, take the stairs and have a healthy breakfast everyday." That's just setting yourself up for failure. Understand that we have a very limited supply of self control. Instead of aiming to commit to the changes all at once, break them up into pieces. Choose one activity each week that will lead you towards your desired goal and body image. Allow yourself to slowly adapt to the change. It won't be long until it becomes natural for you to choose the healthier options.
Eliminate stress eating for good
A photo posted by F. A. Gray (@little_ms_gray) on Dec 24, 2015 at 11:59am PST
So your boss told you your report sucks. Instead of reaching the nearest bag of chips you can raid in the pantry, pause and think. Wait it out for the next 5-10 minutes and you'll realize you're not even hungry. You just want to drown your sorrow in junk food.
Find other outlets to get rid of stress eating. You can try writing how you feel. Better, put on your trusty running shoes and jog those feelings away. You'd be surprised how beneficial these choices are.
Start now
A photo posted by YELLOW WILLOW ( on Dec 29, 2015 at 9:59pm PST
Stop planning, as it only welcomes false promises. Start committing to your resolution now because the more you postpone it, the more it's not bound to happen.
Right now, you have a couple of days left before 2016 comes. We highly suggest you drop the cookie and go for a run.