Hugh Hefner Wife: Playboy Divorce? He & Crystal Haven't Spoken Of Each Other In Weeks [VIDEO]
Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris have been married for three years as of today, but on social media, neither party has mentioned it.
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While the Playboy mogul, 89, hasn't shared any posts yet today, his 29-year-old wife has been on both Twitter and Instagram, and she didn't mention Hefner, or their anniversary, in either of her updates. Instead, Harris shared an odd post, which featured a photo of The Rock.
Love yourself
— Crystal Hefner (@crystalhefner) December 31, 2015
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In her Instagram post, also shared on Thursday, Harris shared a photo of model Claudia Alende, telling fans, "Happy new year from my favorite."
Also worth mentioning in regard to Harris' Instagram page is the fact that she hasn't shared a photo of her husband in 21 weeks. Meanwhile, Hefner hasn't shared a photo of Harris lately either (in 29 weeks!). Instead, he's been sharing photos of himself and a number of other women from years ago.
After marrying Hefner on New Year's Eve 2012, Harris spoke to Huffington Post Live, via Daily Mail, and revealed what marriage meant for her.
"For me it meant more security, knowing that I am the one for him," she explained. "Like we were talking about, there are always girls in and out and always the feeling of maybe being replaced... And he made sure I didn't feel that way anymore and that was what the wedding was all about."