Donald Trump Twitter Page: Presidential Candidate's Latest Tweet Sparks Big 'Paris Is In Germany' Joke, What Did He Say? [PHOTO]
Twitter has been having some major fun mocking Donald Trump following his latest tweet that many took to mean that the Presidential Candidate thought the city of Paris was in Germany.
The trend "Paris is in Germany" references a tweet Trump's official account sent out Jan. 7, referencing recent New Year's Eve attacks in Germany as well as a shooting in a Paris police station.
Man shot inside Paris police station. Just announced that terror threat is at highest level. Germany is a total mess-big crime. GET SMART!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2016
However, due to how the tweet is worded, many misread it as the Republican front-runner believing the French capital was actually located in Germany.
Is America seriously considering electing a man who thinks Paris is in Germany???? WOW baby you have great knowledge — Ain Bahadur Khadka (@ainkhadka) January 7, 2016
.....does he really think Paris is in Germany? and i thought he couldn't get any more stupid.
— chrissy (@chrissysnickerz) January 7, 2016
Wants to rule the US. Thinks that Paris is in Germany. — Carsten Pilger (@CarstenP) January 7, 2016
If this doesn't show how stupid Donald Trump is then idk what will! Because obviously Paris is in Germany — ellis (@EllisIsADragon) January 7, 2016
Paris is in Germany. Hey @realDonaldTrump , here you are a belated Christmas present: #getsmart — Marian Riquelme (@marianriq) January 7, 2016
This idiot, who could be elected president of the USA, thinks Paris is in Germany. Bravo, America!
— minor literature[s] (@MinorLits) January 7, 2016
For a man who wants to be President of the USA, this is quite worrying - Paris is in Germany, is it? — Tom Boorman (@tomboorman) January 7, 2016
Apparently Paris is in Germany now. Good US Presidential Candidate — Aidan Nolan (@aidannolan) January 7, 2016
To those who failed in Geography. Worry not , even Donald Trump thinks Paris is in Germany. — world_child (@steve_jb03) January 7, 2016
Paris is in Germany ? This is the guy people want to elect as president, learn geography first babe
— Tiramisu (@ForeverEsme) January 7, 2016
A man who wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain believes PARIS is in GERMANY!? Ha! #Trump #Trumped What a "PLONKER" — 666 πομπώδη Αλαζονικ (@OccidoLumen666) January 7, 2016
Of course, others picked up on the fact that while the tweet was worded badly, that he did clearly create two separate thoughts by including a period between his sentences about Paris and Germany.
Guess I'm the only one that understood he wasn't implying Paris is in Germany, he was voicing two separate thoughts
— Delaney (@delaneynewh_art) January 7, 2016
Liberal like "Paris is in Germany" But miss the period after paris And are not aware of what happened in Germany the last 48 hrs #Bubble — Simon Templar (@SimonTemplar62) January 7, 2016
Donald Trump may be foolish, but he doesn't think Paris is in Germany. Read the tweet again.
— Dom Stapleton (@DomStapleton) January 7, 2016