Oscars 2016: What Chris Rock Has To Say About The 'Too White' Nominees [VIDEO]
The Oscars are receiving considerable jabs after they've released this year's nominees. Fans, critics and even other celebrities aren't exactly excited about the show being "too white" yet again.
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Even upcoming host Chris Rock calls them out in a recent tweet. While he didn't directly address the issue head on, he did make a subtle yet equally hilarious statement to go with the latest Oscars teaser.
The #Oscars. The White BET Awards. https://t.co/8qjLR0uysI
— Chris Rock (@chrisrock) January 15, 2016
Entertainment reports that even Academy Awards president Cheryl Boone Isaacs gave his two cents on the controversy: "Of course I am disappointed, but this is not to take away the greatness [of the films nominated]."
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Rev. Al Sharpton, an American civil rights activist, isn't one to hold back on his opinions, saying: "Yet again, deserving black actors and directors were ignored by the academy - which reinforces the fact that there are few if any blacks with real power in Hollywood," he said. "Being left out of awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well done; winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts."