A temple in Southern California is trying to guilt Mel Gibson into helping them repay a hefty loan they cannot afford.

Congregation Beth Shalom, located in Corona, sent Gibson a letter requesting the star give them money so they won't go bankrupt. Oy Vey.

According to TMZ, the letter states, "Our proposal to you, Mr. Gibson, is since you have been cited as an Anti-Semitic, and have denied those allegations, what better way to prove to all your fans and the nay Sayers -- than to endorse and help raise funds for our cause -- SOS, Save Our Synagogue."

More like S.O.L.

Gibson has contributed huge donations to numerous L.A. charities, notably $5 million to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center-a Jewish hospital. We're sure they were able to convince him by calling him out on his past blunders.

Mel's rep tells TMZ 'he knows nothing about the request but wishes the temple all the best.' Shalom to that Mr. Gibson!

Mel Gibson