Donald Trump Campaign 2016: Presidential Hopeful Gets Endorsement From John Wayne's Family, But Does It Hurt His Chances In Iowa? [PHOTO]
Donald Trump continues to rack up celebrity endorsements as he tries to ensure a win in the Iowa primaries, with his latest support coming from the family members of John Wayne.
Trump was endorsed by Wayne's daughter Aissa earlier today, and Trump used the endorsement, which took place at the John Wayne Birthplace and Museum, to compare himself to the late actor, and said that the endorsement meant a lot to him.
"When you think about it John Wayne represented strength, he represented power, he represented what the people are looking [for] today because we have exactly the opposite of John Wayne right now in this country," he said. "And he represented real strength and an inner strength that you don't see very often, and that's why this endorsement meant so much to me."
Trump is also rumored to be revealing another big endorsement later today, with many expecting that Sarah Palin will announce her support, giving Trump more of a foothold with the Tea Party. However, that has not yet been confirmed.
Meanwhile, the endorsement from John Wayne's family may not be as effective as Trump may have hoped, with many taking to Twitter with a negative reaction to the news--noting that Wayne was racist--and saying the support from his family only increases their beliefs that Trump is as well.
first thought when i saw john wayne trending: he was racist as hell... oh, the wayne family endorses trump...
— Deja M. Burt (@Hoosyourdaddy99) January 19, 2016
Speaking of John Wayne, he was a draft-dodging white supremacist who pretended to be in the military, so naturally Donald Trump idolizes him — Show Your Work (@showusyourwork) January 19, 2016
Now that John Wayne's Zombie has risen to endorse Trump, let's remember his gentle wisdom:
— Big Deal Game Dev (@Palle_Hoffstein) January 19, 2016
Dead racist John Wayne endorses manchild for president. The GOP is making it impossible to write satire. — entree humain (@EntreeHumain) January 19, 2016
John Wayne would have loved Donald Trump since both are racists. via @NewRepublic / Truth.
— Kathryn Brusco (@KathrynBruscoBk) January 19, 2016
Yeah, Wayne was a raging racist. // Daughter of John Wayne says her father & @realDonaldTrump have many of the same characteristics. — Voncile Mayes (@allheavens) January 19, 2016
John Wayne: "There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves."
— Tom the Dancing Bug (@RubenBolling) January 19, 2016
John Wayne — Political Nerd (@Sttbs73) January 19, 2016
John Wayne was a big White Supremacist, so no surprise his daughter supports @realDonaldTrump
— Political Nerd (@Sttbs73) January 19, 2016
I agree Trump has lot in common w/John Wayne. They both ACT like they're tough guys, both ducked military service & both white supremacists. — chaplinlives (@chaplinlives) January 19, 2016
Is the endorsement of John Wayne's daughter an actual "thing"? @jonathanalter? Waiting with bated breath for the Tina Sinatra endorsement!
— Andy Cohen (@Andy) January 19, 2016
John Wayne's family endorses Trump. That nails down the dead drunk racist vote. — Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) January 19, 2016