For all of Dan Bilzerian's online success, he has one person to thank for that.

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Greg Baroth, who is the master behind Bilzerian's social media accounts, spoke with Observer on his work and how controversy is important in his campaigns- one might notice that Bilzerian's Instagram and Twitter pages have had their own shares of remarks that made people gasp.

"People love controversy," Baroth said. "Controversy is something that certainly helps a campaign. Whether good or bad. It makes people have an opinion on the matter, which is better for sharing and engagement. So while it is not a must, it certainly helps. If you can't do controversy, try cats. I've sort of put myself into a niche though of this and I'm trying to get my way out."

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Baroth then pointed out that there are certain brands or celebrities who may not be expanding their popularity in the right way. But it can be fixed.

"I think a lot of people don't understand how much work it is to actually create the content," he said. "I give a lot of credit to people like the Vine celebrities who are now taking over Facebook with the way that they create videos and take advantage of the algorithm. Because it takes time to do that, same with YouTubers who upload every day."

Bilzerian, himself, currently has more than 15 million followers on Instagram.

Dan Bilzerian