Baby Duckling Video: Tiny Aninal Stuck In A Pool With Two Hippos [VIDEOS]
Animals do find themselves in awkward situations and what's more awkward is to be in that situation with other animals not their own kind.
But in the middle of that situation, just when you thought the worst is about to happen, it turns out different. Just like how this little baby duckling got himself into.
When a little duckling was stuck in the hippos pool, it couldn't get itself out of it and be with his family. It was helpless and it cried relentlessly while trying to get out.
It caught the attention of the two hippos living in the pool.
Hippos are the third largest land animals on Earth and looking at their massive size makes them look ferocious and frightening.
But these creatures have the softest heart anyone can imagine, for they showed compassion in the little baby duck and helped it back to its mom.
The scene showed that they are not only animals but they are also compassionate and they have a heart.