Beyoncé Illuminati 2016: Story Behind The Strange Conspiracy Theory & The Superstar
We can all agree that Beyonce is one of the busiest celebrities out there. She's made a name for herself by tirelessly working, creating a slew of videos and songs that have left her with a bevy of devoted fans. And as if being a pop icon and entrepreneur doesn't keep her schedule packed enough already, Beyonce is also a wife and mother; that's enough to keep anyone swamped.
But despite all that, there are those that believe Beyonce has another, subversive obligation to her name. These people firmly believe in the pervasive conspiracy theory that Beyonce is a member (and perhaps even the leader) of a clandestine group that runs the world. There are those out there that believe pop star Beyonce is, in fact, among the elite members of the Illuminati. No, seriously. Here's how this perplexing rumor got started (and why it keeps coming back).
Jay-Z Has His Own Rumor Mill
Beyonce and Jay Z throwing up the illuminati sign all the time is really starting to freak me out.
— NIGEL RIVERS (@JacobAppleby) February 8, 2016
Mr. Carter himself has long been rumored to be a powerhouse in the Illuminati. His habit of holding up his hands to form a triangle (the traditional sign of the Illuminati) clearly showed that he must be a member of the organization--that's the only logical explanation, after all.
The stories that surrounded him eventually led him to deny the claims via a song called "Free Mason" that he recorded with Rick Ross. In it he explicitly stated he was not a member of any secret world-ruling organizations. Unfortunately, conspiracy lovers insisted that this was exactly what an Illuminati member would say. Then when Jay-Z and Beyonce tied the knot, fans of both artists devoted considerable time and energy to uncovering what they claimed were 'obvious' Illuminati symbols and signals.
The Hand Symbol
Beyoncé almost fell but the illuminati saved her. — Rene (@Rene) February 8, 2016
So what's the deal with the triangle symbol that Beyonce and Jay-Z do admittedly flash fairly often? It's not a triangle meant to communicate their secret organization with other members (and really, wouldn't a secret world-ruling group be better at staying, you know, a secret?)--it's a diamond. The husband and wife duo are referring both to Jay-Z's record labels, and how albums and artists can "go diamond" by selling 10 million copies. But proponents of the Illuminati theory loudly scoff at these explanations, insisting they're just another clever ruse.
Setting The Record Straight
Beyoncé haters love using the "illuminati" as a way to undermine & discredit her success. — Chihiro Ogino (@WickedBeaute) February 8, 2016
For years Beyonce ignored the whole "Illuminati" rumor because it's A) utterly ridiculous, and B) she's been a little busy. But in her new hit single "Formation," the artist finally shuts down all the people attributing her success to a secret (and fictional) group. “Ya’ll haters corny with that Illuminati mess/ Paparazzi catch my fly, and my cocky fresh.” And thus Beyonce had spoken. That should be the end of it, right?
The Internet Is Forever
can't wait to see beyonce's masonic ritual illuminati sacrifice halftime show! — Baked Alaska (@bakedalaska) February 7, 2016
But this is the Internet, and the Illuminati theory has become a popular meme. The Illuminati rumors and stories have existed for a long time (there are those that believe this group shaped history, back through world wars and political assassinations). And with powerful celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Sting all named as potential members (in addition to, of course, Jay-Z and Beyonce), it looks like this conspiracy theory isn't going anywhere.