The film adaptation of E.L. James' Fifty Shades of Grey continues to garner attention on a massive scale, as many fans wait in wonder over who the definitive candidates will be for the principal roles of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

Adding to the movie melee are two new Ryan Gosling fan-made trailers that were recently posted on YouTube.

One features the Gangster Squad actor paired with Ted's Mila Kunis while the other has the 32-year-old with the Amazing Spiderman's Emma Stone.

Increasingly popular with the mainstream female audience, Gosling has been considered a frontrunner for the role of Christian Grey since Fifty Shades movie buzz began to circulate the Internet in 2012.

In a Sept. 3 interview, James' husband Neil Leonard appeared to have accidentally revealed a potential Gosling casting to Now Magazine by stating that the "last he heard" the A-lister was the favorite for Grey.

However, while on the air with L.A. station KI-IS FM, James denied her husband's loose-lipped comment shortly after.

"No, that's completely misreported. What happened is that his local paper... reported on my husband being the inspiration for Christian Grey. Underneath it they put a picture of Ryan Gosling, as well. So that's how it came about," she said.

When James was queried by the broadcast outlet on whether she does have a favorite actor to take on the Grey role, she remained mum.

"Maybe. I'm not going to tell you," she said.

Gosling himself had been asked by Extra in September if he was familiar with the Fifty Shades phenomenon and gave the following response:

"I don't ... what is this book that everyone is talking about? It seems very popular."

Gosling aside, web rumors have also brought some other well respected actors into the prospect pool as potential Christian Grey suitors, including White Collar's Matt Bomer, Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder, True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard, and Man of Steel Henry Cavill, among others.

Fifty Shades Of Grey, 50 shades of grey