Jodi Arias took the stand on Wednesday for the 2008 Arizona killing of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

Arias, 31, is on trial for murdering Alexander, a 30-year-old Mormon motivational speaker. Arias stabbed her victim 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and shot him in the head. His body was discovered the day he was killed on June 4, 2008. Arias lied twice at first about how he was killed and later admitted that she killed him in an act of self-defense. If Arias is convicted of the murder and the lies that she confessed to, she will likely face the death penalty and become the fourth woman in Arizona's history to die by lethal injection.

Judge Sherry Stephens read questions from jurors to Arias in the Maricopa County courtroom on Wednesday. Arizona is one of the few states in the country that allows jurors to question defendants on trial. The jurors asked questions on March 6 about Arias testifying that her "foggy" memory is the reason why she doesn't remember stabbing her victim and moving his body after he was murdered.

"Have you ever taken medication for your memory issue?" Jude Stephens asked Arias on behalf of a juror.

"No," Arias answered.

Here is a list of jurors' questions asked by Judge Stephens with Arias' replies on Wednesday:

"Did you ever see a doctor for your memory issues?"

Arias said she doesn't think she has memory problems, that it only happens in stressful situations and she never sought medical treatment for these issues.

"How is it that you remember so many of your sexual encounters, including your ex-boyfriends, but you do not remember stabbing Travis and dragging his body?"

"I don't know how the mind works necessarily, but I know that that was the most traumatic experience of my life," Arias answered. "And outside of those blanks, and the ones that I've mentioned as far as that were alcohol related when I was a teenager, I don't have other blackouts that I can recall, when memories get foggy when I get stressful."

"I think that I actually have a very good memory. I can remember tons of things," she admitted. "But when I'm under a stressful situation, it's as if my mind, if you can imagine a computer that freezes, it's turned on but it's not functioning. You can hit the keys, but nothing's happening, just like the sound waves are hitting my ears, but the brain is not computing... so I don't black out during those times, but my mind is not processing the English words that are being sent to me, or screamed at me, or whichever," she added.

Arias was also asked several questions about her testimony that she caught Alexander masturbating to an image of a young boy in January, 2008.

"Travis stated on the phone sex conversation that he did not like Spider-Man. Why did he buy you Spider-Man underwear if he did not like that character?" Stephens, a juror, asked.

"I don't know why but they were Spider-Man," Arias said. "I do know however that the year prior he... there's a child he was close with that really liked Spider-Man. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. He was very much into Spider-Man. He would dress up as Spider-Man," she replied.

"You took pictures of the shirt and shorts. Did you take pictures of the Spider-Man underwear? If no, why not?" a juror wrote.

"I did not take pictures of those because that is embarrassing." Arias replied. "As opposed to the shorts and shirt, which were sentimental to me. I didn't want to memorialize boys' underwear. And I didn't want people to know that was a preference of his and that I was dumb enough to go along with that preference," said Arias.

Watch the live stream of Arias answering more jurors' questions in her murder trial today on Thursday, March 7.