DC Entertainment will release an 11-issue story of Batman titled The Zero Year detailing how the vigilante came to be in the new era "Dark Knight" style of Batman.

According to the Associated Press, Scott Snyder, "Batman" writer since its 2011 debut re-launch, said, "It's time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in the New 52."

The publication explains the New 52 as a reorganization of DC Comics characters, which gives them new origins and costumes that blends their first appearances a decade ago with contemporary changes.

However, Snyder said he wouldn't change key elements of Batman's history, such as the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents.

The series, called The Zero Year, will begin in June 2013 and Greg Capullo will do the illustration.

According to the AP, Snyder said, "It's 'The Zero Year,' the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain."

Snyder is an Eagle-award winning writer and has written Swamp Thing and American Vampire for DC Comics.
