The Adderall Diaries is an upcoming crime-thriller film written and directed by Pamela Romanowsky, based on a "true-crime memoir" book of the same name by Stephen Elliott.

The underlying true crime is the Hans Reiser murder case. The film stars James Franco, Ed Harris, Amber Heard, Jim Parrick, Timothee Chalamet, Danny Flaherty, Cynthia Nixon and Christian Slater.

Director Pamela Romanowsky met Franco at New York University while attending the MFA Film Program. After collaborating together on a short film he hired her to direct The Adderall Diaries as he had previously purchased the rights.

The film is set to be released on April 15, 2016.

James Franco, Amber Heard, Timothee Chalamet, Cynthia Nixon, Christian slater