Dan Bilzerian News: Instagram Star Celebrates Bike Quest With China Trip [PHOTOS, VIDEO]
What better place to celebrate a massive bicycle journey than a trip to China.
After Instagram celebrity Dan Bilzerian made his way from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on a bike, he took to his social media page to post a few snapshots of what he decided to do next- set out on a visit to China to sight see.
Can't seem to find the door to this brothel
A photo posted by Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) on Apr 5, 2016 at 10:16pm PDT
In China for no reason whatsoever with @bp2269 & @mister_keating #OnlyHereToPickUpBillsDirtyMoney #ScoutingLocationsForFakePurseNinjas2 A photo posted by Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) on Apr 5, 2016 at 5:39am PDT
As he seems to have a great time in the Asian country, he also mentioned that he needs to spend a bunch of dough before taking a trip to Bali.
A photo posted by Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) on Apr 6, 2016 at 1:51pm PDT
Bilzerian won himself $600,000 from pal Bill Perkins who bet he wouldn't be able to succeed in his bicycle quest, according to New York Post. Even though the social media star won, he managed to gain some bruises along the way.
"He looks like the Grinch- his skin is green," Perkins said. "He's looking like death right now. He's in bed with chafed buttocks, a fever, hot and cold [flashes], chills, wobbly legs. His immune system is down, and every virus you can have is rising. I was hoping his muscles would seize up [midride], but they didn't."
Based on his China photos, Bilzerian seems to be recovering well.