Madonna doesn't seem to want to play nice when it comes to Lady Gaga.

When the Material Girl was asked by The Advocate what she thought of Lady Gaga, she seemed to play the question off.

"I have no thoughts," Madonna said. "What's the question?"

When further pressed about how Gaga has influenced the gay community, much like she did, Madonna seemed to throw a barb:

"It seems genuine," she said. "It seems natural and I can see why she has a young gay following. I can see that they connect to her kind of not fitting into the conventional norm. I mean, she's not Britney Spears. She's not built like a brick sh-thouse."

"She seems to have had a challenging upbringing and so I can see where she would also have that kind of connection, a symbiotic relationship with gay men."


Madonna, Lady Gaga