"LINsanity,” also known as the buzz related to NBA star Jeremy Lin, is far from over and catch phrases based on Lin’s last name are hitting the web, in several cases delivered by none other than Spike Lee.

The film director and writer attended the game on Friday at the Madison Square Garden in New York City where the New York Knicks beat the L.A. Lakers 92-85 and Jeremy Lin stole the spotlight of the arena.

Lin outscored Kobe Bryant by 38 to 34 points. In one week, he went from the Knicks' bench to breaking a record. In his first 3 NBA starts Lin totaled 89 points, the highest total by any NBA player since 1974, according to "NBA statistics" on Twitter.

Friday night he was able to penetrate the Lakers’ defense and find his open teammates when the defense attacked him. On Saturday, expectations will be rising again: Lin is playing the Minnesota Timberwolves in the same arena.

The jokes may not quite be as exciting as the game itself yet we compiled some of the best from Spike Lee here:

(Note: the last two jokes are rewrites from Spike Lee from jokes other Twitter users wrote)

Jeremy" I Gots Dem Brotha's Mumb-Lin,and Stumb-"Lin. Tremb-Lin TOO.

GREAT DAY IN DA MORNIN'. Jeremy" I Kilt Da Lakers Like Josef Sta-"Lin. And Ya Know Dat. YA-DIG? SHO-NUFF.DA ORANGE AND BLUE.

Jeremy"I'm Straight Up From Outta Space,I'm a Al-e"Lin. Hee Hee Hee

Jeremy" I'm Straight Up From Outta Space,I'm A ET-"Lin. Ohhhhhh Sh***t

Jeremy"Warriors,Rockets Cut Me Cuz' Dey Wasn't Think-"Lin.


Jeremy"Like Bill Withers Sings-WE ALL NEED SOMEBODY TO LIN ON"

Jeremy"I Get You So High,You Think I'm Dea-"Lin.

Jeremy Lin, Spike Lee