Pink 'Reformed slut' Singer Talks Ups and Downs of Marriage in Glamour Interview
"I'm a reformed slut," states Pink, the cover model of Glamour's June issue.
The 33-year-old pop star is currently promoting her most recent album, The Truth About Love while building a family with motocross racer Carey Heart.
"It's my very unsophisticated way of taking the power back," Pink says of the use of the word 'slut,' according to Us Weekly. "I've always had an issue with [the notion that], 'OK, we've both decided to do this. Why am I a slut and you're the player? You didn't get anything from me that I didn't get from you.'"
Pink, who revels that she once went on a date to Friendly's with boy band icon Joey Fatone, muses on the ups and downs of her relationship with her husband. While they may have split up once in the past, Pink claims that hard work is the reason behind the success of their seven-year relationship.
"Long-term relationships are an everyday choice," Pink stated, according to E!. "It's harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next. We're good because we communicate and we've grown up together, not because we don't fight."
And while fighting may include the use of some not so savory vocabulary, Pink is learning to censor her language in front of their 23-month-old daughter, Willow.
"Willow said, 'F--kin' hi,' the other day. I'm like, 'F--k!,'" the pop star said, according to Us Weekly. "We're gonna get a [swear] jar. Have to!"
However, her daughter's safety is Pink's number one priority as she claims she wishes she could get the toddler fitted for a bubble.