Rihanna and Chris Brown were rumored to have parted ways after the Diamonds singer started to follow his nemesis Drake on Instagram on April 28.

A new report, however, suggests that the on-and-off again couple split because recently she partied hard with an openly gay Florida woman.

Rihanna took pictures with a lesbian in Florida around April 20, when she had a concert in Miami for her Diamonds World Tour stop. In the pictures, the singer is sitting on her lap and making hand gestures that suggest oral sex.

The unidentified woman, who goes by the Twitter name "@_Heartthrob1" used the photo of Rihanna sitting on her lap as the main picture for her social media account.

On April 29 the woman in question wrote: "I met and hung out with @rihanna now I just gotta get @SkyDigg4 love me some THEM" and later, "Tryna decide which overseas show I'm gonna fl out to see @rihanna again hahah...My brother is gonna be like oh gosh, lol."

On Thursday, she followed up with another suggestive tweet: "If y'all puck'd a celebrity would ya'll tell everybody?? Lol."

The twitter account for Rihanna's rumored lover has since been deleted as well as the picture the singer took with her and posted on Instagram last week.

See the photos of Rihanna with an openly gay woman and the screengrabs of her suggestive tweets here

Rihanna sparked rumors that she and Brown split because of Drake on April 27. The entourages for both Drake and Brown had a brawl at a New York City night last year which led to several lawsuits against both artists. The pair have publicly insulted each other since their feud.

On April 28, Brown unfollowed Rihanna on Twitter. Rihanna later posted a picture of herself swapping kisses with another guy.

Brown's birthday is on May 5 and according to a report, the Bajan beauty purchased a $1 million limited-edition Mercedes Benz car. According to a source, she has hopes of celebrating Brown's birthday in New York where she has two concerts scheduled at Brooklyn's Barclays Center.

FOX will air Rihanna's tour documentary, Rihanna 777 on May 6. The 77-minute DVD will be available for purchase on May 7.
