Teacher's Sexy Outfits Go Viral
Another day, another instance of a woman getting flack for their bodies.
This time, the woman in question was Patrice Brown, a 4th grade teacher from Atlanta, Georgia. Her #OOTD Instagram posts landed her in hot water on Twitter and Instagram because...well, I'm not entirely sure. See for yourself.
I'd have 3 degrees going on a fourth if my teachers looked like this when I was coming up #TeacherBae pic.twitter.com/Al0sDhcl4k
— OG Zack Morris (@EarlFresher) September 12, 2016
Here's what's getting everyone so worked up: the fact that a pretty, curvy girl wearing clothes that don't hide her body can't possibly be good at her job. Because being curvy and also being a good teacher have a correlating relationship, right? Here's another photo, if you didn't catch my drift:
They Don't Want You To Look Good #teacherbae pic.twitter.com/h8JWHgSh0J — #CaliBoyMarv (@MarviMarv32) September 12, 2016
She's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The only part of her body that's exposed are her arms, and yet this outfit was sexualized because, well, clearly she's a distraction for the 9-year-old boys she teaches.
For the record, if parents are truly so concerned about their children being distracted by having Patrice as a teacher, maybe teach your kids to not see a woman's worth as purely sexual. Maybe teach them to not sexualize teachers, regardless of how they look. And maybe, just maybe, teach your kids that being distracted by a teacher's appearance isn't the teacher's fault (unless, of course, she truly is wearing something vulgar, which Patrice is not.)
As a society, we tend to equate a woman's good looks with being less than capable at a job. Patrice's critics chose to ignore the fact that she's a respected teacher, the recipient of multiple honors at her school, and seems like she truly enjoys and loves her job. Whether she wears a tight midi dress to school or not is entirely irrelevant.
Keep doing you, Patrice.