After turning your phone on after three months of rehab, one would expect to have a ridiculous amount of messages.

If you're Demi Lovato, you may be saddened to find only four text messages awaiting your viewing.

In 2010, the Disney Channel darling and upcoming pop singer entered rehab for "physical and emotional issues" which, according to the Belfast Telegraph, included bulimia and self-harm.

While not only recovering from those personal issues, Lovato realized that it was better to surrond herself with a small group of friends who will be there no matter what the problem than to have tons of friends who dissapear when you need them.

"A couple of months before I went to rehab, I had a birthday party and there were a couple of hundred people there. It was full of people who I considered my closest friends," the 20-year-old admitted in an interview with Company, according to E!. "When I turned my phone on after being in rehab for three months, I expected lots of text messages and phone calls. I had four texts."

The singer, whose new album Demi comes out this month, relized she needed to narrow her selection of friends.

"I don't have loads of friends," Lovato said, according to Us Weekly. "I used to, but then I realized, do any of them actually care? Now I have people who, if I break my leg in the middle of the night, will come to the hospital with me. Or they'll answer the phone at 4 a.m. if I need them."

Although she may have fewer close companions, Lovato is still seeing professional success. The X Factor judge just saw her newest single, "Heart Attack," has gone platinum.

Demi Lovato