Kate Middleton was attacked by an expert for pushing expectant mothers to look attractive during pregnancy, Entertainmentwise reported on Monday.

According to a poll taken by Philips Avent, 71 percent of women out of the 1,000 interviewed believe that celebrities like Middleton, Kim Kardashian and Fergie go too far in representing how pregnant mothers should look when they are out in public.

Despite these hard feelings, more than half of the women admitted that they were thinking about naming their child after the royal baby, according to the Daily Star. The duchess was named Vanity Fair’s Best-Dressed Pregnant Star and has been setting fashionable trends ever since she married Prince William in 2011.

Middleton sported a polka dot Topshop dress that sold out within a half hour of her appearance in the outift earlier in the year.

Maternity expert Rosie Pope complimented Middleton on her style in a People magazine interview.

“Kate’s look is incredible chic and rather retro,” she said. “Kate reminds me of Jacki Onassis when she was pregnant. She’s appy to show some leg with that 1960’s vibe, but in general she covers up.”

The duchess is reportedly due July 13. She will be making a last appearance before her due date in launching the line for Princess Cruise Ships, welcoming the newest ship in Southamption on June 13.

Kate Middleton Baby Bump, Kim Kardashian, Vanity Fair