The Daily Show with Jon Stewart will be switching hosts this summer, with British comedian John Oliver filling in for Jon Stewart.

After this week's run of new episodes, Stewart will be temporarily leaving The Daily Show to direct a film throughout the summer. Oliver, a correspondent on the show, will begin assuming the hosting position on Monday, June 10. Stewart will be gone for 12 weeks to direct Rosewater, a drama film that he also wrote. Oliver will be hosting eight weeks of shows between four weeklong breaks.

Oliver has been a correspondent on The Daily Show since 2006, often satirically interviewing political figures.

Oliver sat down with The New York Times on May 30 to discuss how he was adjusting to the new position.

When asked what he was doing to prepare, Oliver said, "I guess nothing in particular. Everything will fundamentally stay the same, in terms of the way that the show runs. Jon built it to operate in a certain process, so that process really has to stay."

Oliver has developed a particularly strong bond with Stewart over the past seven years.

"I'll do anything for him, whether it's hosting this show or disposing of a body," he joked, "On the phone with him, I was saying, I'll do it. It was only upon hanging up that my legs started to buckle. I thought, What have I just agreed to?"

The 36-year-old comedian admitted that it will be difficult adjusting to interviewing guests more seriously.

"This is different, because all of my interview training is built around trying to take someone down," he said.

For now, Oliver remained excited but anxious.

"I don't think it's going to hit me until I sit down at the desk and the music starts. That's probably where there will be a couple of seconds of panic," he said.

In addition to his Daily Show gig, Oliver has his own stand-up comedian series called John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show. Each episode features four stand-up comedians, ranging from up-and-comers to veterans.

The Daily Show airs Monday through Thursday at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central.

The Daily Show, John oliver, Jon stewart