The union of today's popular celebrities in the satiric comedy 'This Is The End' is a good idea in the eyes of critics.

"You could sit through a year's worth of Hollywood comedies and still not see anything that's genuinely knock-your-socks-off audacious. But This Is The End truly is," Entertainment Weekly wrote. "It's the wildest screen comedy in a long time, and also the smartest, the most fearlessly inspired, and the snort-out-loud funniest."

The comedic action movie is set in Los Angeles and focuses on a party held at James Franco's home. The party goes sour when Franco and his guests are faced with the apocalypse.

These guests include Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Michael Cera and Emma Watson, to name a few. Rihanna even has a cameo in the film singing a duet with comedian Craig Robinson.

The film is a directing debut for Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Both also wrote the story.

"Sure, some gags fare better than others, and much of what happens ventures into the gratuitous -including the absurd gore. But once you witness the audacity of the dance-inspiring musical number that's tossed into this clever Left Behind stew, you know you're in the hands of filmmakers who know how to entertain the living hell out of us," according to The Oakland Press.

In addition, according to the critics, despite having an unusual plot, the movie flows and is wildly entertaining.

"The thing really moves. Even the grottiest bits have a way of hitting their marks and darting onward, the way they did in Borat," the Chicago Tribune noted. "No less than Judd Apatow's Funny People, This Is The End speaks a lot of truth about the way comics joke around, or don't, in each other's company, even before people start dying."

The rated R film hits theaters on Friday.

Movie Reviews, James Franco, Seth rogen