Every traveler's worst nightmare came true for passengers on board a flight from Germany from the United States. A screaming toddler terrorized them for eight hours straight.

'Demonic' Child

A transatlantic headache came in the form of an extremely fussy 3-year-old boy left to seemingly run riot throughout the aircraft by his mother.

The 8-hour flight from Germany to the United States quickly turned into a living nightmare, with the child's mother reportedly blaming her son's undisclosed behavioral problems. It was described by fellow passengers as the "flight from hell."

Shane Townley captured much of the journey on video, which has only recently come to light on YouTube. The clip has since gone viral.

"Watch as this kid runs and screams throughout the entire flight while the mother does little to nothing to stop him. 3 years old on an 8-hour flight from Germany to Newark NJ. He never quits!" he prefaced the video.

At one point, the child is seen sitting on top of the seats and banging the ceiling of the plane repeatedly.

"She [his mother] kind of looked like she was used to it. He was climbing the chairs. He would not let up. He was running up and down the aisles and there was nothing she could do. Everyone was kind of looking at each other like, 'This is going to be a long flight,' " Townley said.

The mother clearly realized problems were afoot as flight attendants were asked to switch on the wi-fi prior to takeoff, so the child might be distracted by an iPad. She could be heard throughout the flight pleading the kid to calm down.

Living Nightmare

As for how everybody else reacted, the other passengers soon realized they were all in the same boat or plane, rather. Many of them can be seen covering their ears as the hourly updates on the video tick by.

Passengers were understandably relieved when the Lufthansa flight finally touched down at Newark Liberty International Airport and their nightmare finally came to an end.

The video split opinion on social media, with some users calling for the mother to be punished while others expressed empathy with her.

"Another useless parent who thinks her kid is entitled to annoy the world. She ought to be fined heavily, that will make her do something next time," wrote one Facebook commenter.

One thing everybody can agree on, however, is that they're glad not to have been on that flight. Watch the entire thing unfold below.
