A former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who allegedly had an affair with United States President Donald Trump, files a lawsuit in a bid to get her voice back.

McDougal is wishing to be freed from a 2016 agreement that prohibits her from talking and speaking about her alleged affair with Trump. She is the second woman this month to do so, the first being Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, an adult entertainment artist.

McDougal apparently was paid $150,000 while Clifford was given $130,000 to shut up about Trump's extramarital affairs. The former is now suing American Media Inc. (AMI), the entity she had the agreement with.

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It should be noted that the company's CEO is David Pecker, a close friend of Trump. Daniels, meanwhile, was paid by Michael D. Cohen, the 71-year-old's attorney. As these accusations were thrown in the air, the president has repeatedly denied these.

McDougal and Daniels's coming out seemed to be telling that all Trump's efforts were a bid to spare his name from bad light during the presidential elections. Both of them are also seeking to hold proceedings in open courts rather than in secret, as what was stated in the agreements.

It can be remembered that the 46-year-old Playboy model's affair with Trump was reported last month after a news outlet got a hold of notes that were allegedly about the powerful man involved. McDougal now claims that AMI is contacting her, citing breach of contract and damages, if any more information is released.

In the documents, McDougal said Cohen tricked her into signing the agreement and had a hand during her negotiations with AMI. The model's lawyer, Peter K. Stris, described the company's moves as "a multifaceted effort to silence Karen McDougal."

"We intend to invalidate the so-called contract that American Media Inc. imposed on Karen so she can move forward with the private life she deserves," he added.


In detail, McDougal claims she got fooled by her then lawyer Keith Davidson into entering into an agreement with AMI that was not fully disclosed. She also revealed she did not know of Trump and Pecker's connection back then.

As her story was not published, McDougal sought to give her statements to ABC News back then and AMI immediately handed her $150,000 and promised her she would land on two magazine front page, as well as in many articles, but that her story still would not be published. Of the amount, half would go to Davidson.

According to McDougal, she had an affair with Trump in 2006, also the same time of Daniels's claims. They claimed that the magnate will give them apartments as presents, and had the same stories that transpired at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe and at a Beverly Hills hotel.

However, this wasn't the first time these women had spoken out about their alleged affair with Trump. McDougal and Daniels's stories were told by The Wall Street Journal in 2016, days before the businessman claimed presidency.

The news outlet reported at the time that The National Enquirer's owner paid McDougal, the 1998 Playmate of the Year, to silence her from speaking her story about the then Republican presidential bet.

Playboy, Donald trump, Stormy Daniels