Demi Lovato released behind the scenes clips of her next video for Made in the U.S.A. on YouTube Friday.

The cinematic video shows a couple who meet at a carnival and "fall head over heels in love," Lovato said in the video. The couple is played by Aimee Teegarden from Friday Night Lights and Dustin Milligan from the CW's 90210. Milligan is a worker at the carnival where Lovato is also seen performing.

The video becomes the first one Lovato has ever directed and that is something she always wanted to do, she said.

"What happened was I came up with the treatment for the video, I saw the shots that I wanted to do and everything. I told my manager and I kind of walked him through it step by step and he said 'Well why don't you just direct it since you know what you want,' " she said.

The song appears on her fourth album Demi, which was released in May. The album peaked at No. 3 on Billboard recently.

She also performed Made in the U.S.A. on Good Morning America on Friday, where the singer explained why she is releasing the song as her next single right before the Fourth of July holiday.

"It's no coincidence that it's being released before Fourth of July," she said. "I know it sounds really cheesy but I'm proud to be an American and I'm really proud of my country and how far we've come."

She then added, "It's a great love song and it's basically about falling in love in the best country ever."

Her performance on Good Morning America is also the first one since her father passed away earlier this week. On Thursday, the singer was interviewed on the show and spoke about how she's handling her loss.

"My father and I didn't have the most ideal relationship but at the end of the day he's still my dad; I grew up with him. He was a wonderful person and it's difficult," she said.

Demi Lovato